Thank You

We ran a good race funded by grassroots and the support of incredibly talented volunteers.
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Doesn’t her life count?

Don't the lives of children matter more than unfettered access to weapons of war? We need sensible gun reform. This has to stop.
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Workers’ Rights Amendment

Out finding the concerns of voters and had a change to talk with Michelle and David
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On Monday we walked through two neighborhoods, listening to voters.
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Listening to voters.

I am trying to spend a few hours a day walking and talking to voter about their concerns.
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Young Voters

Climate change looms large for their generation. They are concerned about gun safety and that reproductive choices.
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One of the things you learn as an international consultant is that you don't assume you have all of the answers without asking questions. Lots of questions. 
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Every person counts in local, grassroots elections!

We need your assistance to help Linda win!