Team Linda at the Fox River Clean-up

On Saturday, September 16, Team LindaforIL65 participated in the Fox River Clean-up. The 5th annual volunteer clean-up event was sponsored by River Corridor Foundation of St. Charles, The Conservation Foundation and the St. Charles Park District.

We grabbed our bug spray, work gloves and boots and met at Ferson Creek.  We were assigned to Riverside Park in St. Charles.  We paired up and set off along the Fox River with our garbage bags and grabber tools.  It was a treasure hunt in which we looked for aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, paper, broken glass and all sorts of assorted junk including soccer balls, shoes, broken plastic bins and even a part of a TV.

It was a very satisfying experience.  We all enjoyed seeing all the fall wildflowers. It was sad to see the debris along the river, but we knew each thing we collected would make the Fox River more pleasant for fish, birds, animals and for us.

Linda is a passionate environmentalist.  As a scientist and avid kayaker, she understands the importance of clean waterways. It’s a resource she will work to protect.

We hope you’ll all find time to enjoy a visit to the Fox River this fall.

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