Climate Action Lobby Day

May 9th in Springfield

On May 9th, Linda joined hundreds of environmental activists at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield.  It was an exciting opportunity to talk about things that really matter to us. Participants scheduled appointments to meet with legislators to talk about the importance of climate action.

Linda met with Senator DeWitte, Rep. Matt Hanson, Rep. Janet Yang Rohr, Rep. Suzanne Ness and Rep. Ann Williams. (Rep. Ugaste was unavailable to meet with constituents.)  These meetings were an opportunity emphasize to our representatives that it is really important that they pass legislation to protect people, homes, land, air and water.

Linda with Rep. Janet Yang Rohr in Springfield on Climate Action Lobby Day
Linda with Rep. Janet Yang Rohr on Climate Action Lobby Day

Among other topics, we discussed the importance of:

  • Swiftly passing the Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Protections Act— which will protect Illinois communities, our land, and our water from the risks associated with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). 
  • Taking the lead on the Clean and Equitable Transportation Act which is package of comprehensive transportation and jobs bills that work together to provide Illinoisans clean, affordable, and equitable transportation options.
  • Passing the Clean and Reliable Grid Act to ensure our electric grid is reliable, strong, and powered by clean energy as we face the impacts of climate change.
  • Pass the Clean and Healthy Buildings Act which will require gas utilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, to promote affordability, and help people lower their gas bills through gas energy efficiency standards.

It was exciting seeing the crowds of people who passionately care about the environment fill the hallways in Springfield.

The day concluded with a lively rally at the Lincoln Statue with rousing speeches, calls to action and even group chants.  Everyone left the rally feeling empowered and encouraged to see so many people working to fight climate change now. 

We want Change! We want a Safe, Equitable and Clean Future!

Crowd at Climate Lobby Day in Springfield, May 9th

Contact us if you want to join Linda in the fight for a better climate future

Some suggestions if you want to lobby your legislators about climate change

Every person counts in local, grassroots elections!

We need your assistance to help Linda win!