Keep In Touch With Linda’s Campaign

Thanks for reading our blog! We’re delighted that you’re interested in Linda Robertson, the scientist who is running for the Illinois House District 65 Seat.

There’s an additional way you can get the latest updates from Linda. We have a newsletter that is filled with info about campaign events plus ways you can help or meet Linda.

Here are links to PDFs of our most recent newsletters:

If you would like to receive our campaign newsletter that features events, endorsements and issues, please click here.

If you would like to volunteer on Linda’s campaign, we have lots to do–including going door to door, writing postcards, working on fundraisers or making Get-Out-the-Vote texts/phone calls.

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.” Larry J. Sabato

Please join Team Linda today. Send a Scientist to Springfield

Every person counts in local, grassroots elections!

We need your assistance to help Linda win!