Running for office is a long process that starts with gathering signatures from registered voters who live in my district. Volunteer petition gatherers are an essential part of my campaign. To qualify to be on the ballot, I want to have 1500 people sign my petitions. I couldn’t do that without a lot of help. That’s why I want to thank the amazing volunteers who ask their friends and families to sign my petition, who take petitions door to door in their neighborhood, who take petitions to social or civic events– and then get the signatures notarized. I truly appreciate your energy and your enthusiasm. This is grassroots democracy at its best. I know that your personal enthusiasm and commitment to the campaign will inspire more people to turn out on Election Day.
Each conversation you have with potential voters is valuable. I greatly value the service you provide by listening and letting me know what is on voters’ minds. It is so important to understand what the concerns and issues are throughout the district.
Thank you all so much! I couldn’t do it without you.
Linda Robertson
Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to sign a petition or if you’re interested in gathering signatures. We would be happy to have you on our team.