56 Days Until Election Day

8 Weeks to go

Linda Robertson’s campaign for Illinois House District 65 is running at full steam. As a scientist, Linda knows you can’t solve problems without data.  That’s why she prioritizes listening to the concerns of voters.  Through record breaking heat, in rain or shine, Linda and her volunteers are walking neighborhoods, listening to the concerns of voters and learning what needs to be done in Springfield.   

What are voters telling Linda?

When Linda knocks on their door, many people really want to talk about their concerns.

  • Voters are telling Linda about their fear of climate change, their decision to leave jobs because they can’t find quality childcare, their frustrations with getting timely healthcare and the lack of affordable housing in our district.  The recent shootings are reinforcing their motivation to demand common-sense gun safety measures.
  • Inflation is a big issue, as well as taxes.  Residents want legislators to cooperate and solve problems. They are stressed about their pensions.  Seniors are worried about being pressured to leave their homes. Reproductive freedom is a top concern for many voters.
  • Linda met police officers who are concerned about the availability of much-needed mental healthcare for First Responders. Nurses want the ability to practice in other states.
  • People are tired of chaos.  They want people to cooperate and solve problems.  Less arguing, more progress.

We all want safety for our families. We all want affordable healthcare and childcare. We need a fairer tax structure. That’s why Linda is running. She wants to go to Springfield to work on these issues, to find solutions. As a scientist, Linda has strong analytical and complex problem-solving skills and the drive to get things done.  It’s time to Send a Scientist to Springfield.

We’re receiving endorsements

The good news is that Linda has been receiving endorsements from many organizations, including:

  • AFL-CIO: Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
  • Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate
  • Sierra Club Illinois
  • AFSCME American Federation of
  • IFT Illinois Federation of Teachers
  • Planned Parenthood
  • 3.14 Action Fund: Elect Scientists
  • IEA Illinois Education Association
  • Candidate for the Common Good
  • Mental Health Now
  • Pro Choice Personal PAC
  • Care for Illinois Candidate
  • Cook County College Teachers Union, Local 1600

Help Linda Robertson flip District 65 from red to blue

Illinois House District 65 is a large district but be sure to look for Linda and her team who will be attending events and visiting neighborhoods until the election on Tuesday, November 5th

Contact Linda to tell her about your concerns.

Volunteer to make phone calls, send Get Out the Vote texts or host a meet & greet in your neighborhood. If you’re interested, neighborhoods with Linda, we’ll place you on a team, so you won’t have to talk if you don’t want to.   Before Election Day, we encourage everyone to ask 5 people to vote for Linda. Every vote counts!

To Donate And, of course, fundraising continues so that we can increase Linda’s visibility and support Get Out the Vote efforts. Your support would help us reach more people through mailings and digital advertising.   

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Don’t forget! Early Voting starts September 26th

November 5th is Election Day

Make Sure your vote counts!

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Every person counts in local, grassroots elections!

We need your assistance to help Linda win!