Celebrate The 89th Anniversary of Social Security

August 14th is the 89th Anniversary of Social Security.   This ground-breaking legislation made retirement much easier for many people. Passed in 1935, Social Security has provided support and stability for millions of retirees, survivors, and persons with disabilities for 89 years. Social Security is a promise to those who have worked hard throughout their lives.  Today 2/3 of Americans depend on Social Security as their primary retirement income source.

Thank a Democrat!

When you think of Social Security, President Franklin D. Roosevelt probably comes to mind first. But we actually need to thank Frances Perkins who was appointed as Secretary of Labor by President Roosevelt in 1933. She was the first female cabinet member and held the position for 12 years. Having witnessed the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, she later proclaimed it was “the day the New Deal was born.” She became an advocate and a recognized expert in the field of worker health and safety.

 Known as the woman behind the New Deal legislation, she led efforts to develop solutions to the problems caused by the Great Recession.

“I came to Washington to work for God, FDR, and the millions of forgotten, plain common workingmen.”  Francis Perkins

Francis Perkins was a tireless advocate for the Social Security Act of 1935, which created a retirement program for workers, unemployment insurance, and mandated compensation for work-related accidents. Perkins also drafted the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, banning child labor and establishing a minimum wage and 40-hour work week.

“We will go forward into the future, a stronger nation because of the fact that we have this basic rock of security under all of our people.”  Francis Perkins

By accepting a position in Roosevelt’s cabinet, Frances Perkins changed the course of women’s history in America.

This year, you can help elect Linda Robertson to the Illinois State House.  Linda understands the importance of protecting Social Security and supporting worker’s rights, benefits and safety. She is committed to working for good jobs for working people, strong public schools that prepare students for their future, affordable attainable childcare, reproductive rights and high quality, affordable healthcare and mental healthcare. Send a Scientist to Springfield!

Remember: Early voting starts September 26th

“There is always a large horizon…. There is much to be done …. I am not going to be doing it! It is up to you to contribute some small part to a program of human betterment for all time.”  Frances Perkins

“For more about France Perkins: Her Life – Frances Perkins Center

Every person counts in local, grassroots elections!

We need your assistance to help Linda win!